Staying engaged is key
One of the major obstacles to seniors staying in their homes is isolation. When we are still young, (relatively) and active we believe staying in our homes will be easy. That is not always the case. Social isolation can affect anyone and often leads to feeling lonely. 12% of seniors who have chosen to stay in their long term homes find themselves becoming socially isolated. 40% of people over the age of 65 live alone. There are ways to combat isolation and loneliness so as
Volunteering, regardless of age, doesn’t just benefit the organization being served it is also valuable to the volunteer. According to the Mayo Clinic one study found that volunteering among adults age 60 and over provided benefits to physical and mental health. Another study found that, in general, volunteers report better physical health than do non-volunteers. Older volunteers experience greater increases in life satisfaction and greater positive changes in their perceived health as a result of volunteering.
One thing many of us learned in 2020 was staying at home doesn’t have to mean not being in contact with people we enjoy. There may be times when you can’t get together with friends or family in person but you can still stay connected. Zoom, facetime and on line games are just a few of the ways we learned to be engaged. It may not be ideal but when circumstances throw obstacles in our way it nice to know there are some options.
Connecting with local organizations such as The Villages of Kensington, or groups at your church, synagogue or temple can put you in contact with people who can call or come see you when you can’t get out. It’s hard to ask but once you get into the pipeline it will be worth it initial discomfort.
Community senior centers or exercise classes are a great way to interact with other people your age and/or with similar interests. Montgomery County has centers throughout the county. Here is the link to their website Senior Centers - Department of Recreation - Montgomery County, Maryland (
If you are thinking these activities may not be for you, you may want to consider moving closer to family. You can downsize to a smaller home that is easier to maintain and still have your independence.
If you would like to talk about options please reach out.