Are your finances in order?
25% of seniors don’t think they can move, either to a smaller more manageable home or assisted living because they can’t afford moving costs or can’t sell their home. Don’t let fear be your reason for not making a move you believe is best for you. I am a Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES). I work with folks facing a variety of situations from wanting to stay where they are and needing help to modify their current home or folks looking to downsize or move to a care facility.
Being a SRES gives me access to a vast amount of information and services I can use to help my clients make informed decisions about aging in place, or moving.
I also have a number of financial planners I can recommend who can help you make financially sound real estate decisions. Having a clear and realistic view of your finances and future needs will help you make sound decisions. If you want to move but think you can’t or want to stay in place but fear you won’t have the financial freedom because all your assets are tied into the equity in your home there are lots of ways to make it happen. I can help you determine the equity in your home and if selling is what you want to do I can help you with that. RLAH also has programs to help you get your house ready to sell with payment being made at the time of settlement. This gives many sellers the freedom to get their house ready, sell for more and not have to dip into savings to do so. Click here to send me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.